KcYS Access & Teens service
The Cróige Project is funded by TUSLA and is a multi disciplinary team, delivering a county wide service to support the families of Kerry in accessing meaningful contact with their children who may be in the care of TUSLA. Cróige also has a remit to support teenagers and families in the community to continue to live within their family while receiving crisis support and ongoing high level interventions tailored to the needs of the individual teenager and their families.
Through the Access service, the Cróige Project ensures continuity and consistency of Access for children in care, their families and foster parents. This is achieved through the provision of spaces where the children, young people and families feel safe, supported and valued through the development of positive relationships and experiences within a framework of respect and positive regard. This combined approach results in improved relationships between children, young people, biological parents and foster carers.
Teens and families who require ongoing high-level interventions and are referred to the project by TUSLA, are supported through various interventions including 1:1 therapeutic work, behaviour modification programmes, parenting support, life-skills development and addressing issues which may impact on the young persons’ ability to remain in the family home.