KCYS Youth Advisory Group
KCYS is a youth based and youth focused organisation. Everything we do is for young people and about young people. We aim to create opportunities and to expand the lives of young people and their communities. We understand that everyone has a voice and young people learn by leading and doing and so Youth Participation is an integral part of our work.
The KCYS Youth Advisory Group plays a pivotal role in ensuring that young people’s voices are heard and considered in strategic decisions within the organisation. Established in 2024, this group advises the KCYS CEO and Board of Directors, providing a youth-driven perspective on matters that impact the organisation and local communities.
The group has met several times in 2024, discussing issues such as the need for more funding for universal and preventative youth work services and groups, the impact of a lack of youth services on drug use in young people, and the lack of available school spaces and additional supports in schools for young people who need them. The group has also given their opinion on the KCYS rebrand, the KCYS strategic plan, our services information leaflet, and two members attended the 2024 KCYS AGM and met with our board members.
The Youth Advisory Group meets at least six times a year, and to ensure accessibility, KCYS covers public transport costs for members attending the meetings. We would like young people of all abilities and disabilities, genders, and ethnic groups represented.